North America

Mercator regularly ships to and from North America via sea freight and air freight. We have well established business contacts across the continent including across the USA, Canada and the Caribbean.

Sea freight vessel loaded with shipping containers

Importing from North America and the Caribbean

Mercator can handle the whole process of importing your goods into the UK.  Our experienced shipping team have access to a number of highly reputable hauliers in the UK to deliver your shipment, along with training in the latest Customs Clearance procedures.  If you need assistance with your shipment in North America, we can call on our freight forwarding partners across the continent to handle anything from export customs clearance to picking up the shipment and delivering to port.

Exporting to North America

Mercator’s export team regularly arrange shipping to North America.  Our export shipping services cover everything from trucking to the port, export customs clearance in the UK, air or sea freight, and then any services overseas (provided by our established freight forwarding contacts across the Atlantic).  In a nut-shell, Mercator can handle all of your export shipping needs for you, so you don’t have to worry about it.

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